Heuball - Futterball für Isländer und alle anderen Pferdearten 🐎⚽️ Der Futterball ermöglicht eine artgerechte Fütterung durch 👉Forwährende Bewegung während der Futteraufnahme

⚽️🐎 Hay ball - food ball for Icelandic horses and all other types of horses 🐎⚽️
The food ball enables species-appropriate feeding through 👉Continuous movement while eating

👉Low to the ground and therefore very good feed intake from an animal physiological point of view
👉Intake of small portions of food, therefore longer eating times

Approximately 3 kg of roughage, such as hay, haylage, straw or other types of stalk feed, is suitable as a filling for the food ball.

To the food ball (click here)

PferdebedarfPferdefutterPferdeweideStallbedarfWeideZubehör islandpferd

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