Frequently asked questions about the Euro-Lin linen bedding for horse boxes FAQ
How many bales do I need to fill my horse box with Euro-Lin linseed bedding to sprinkle in?
- EURO-LIN in 20 kg bales is handy and has a large spreading volume.
- Average monthly requirement of approx. 2 to 4 bales.
- 10 to 12 m² box: approx. 3 to 5 bales.
The optimal mattress
In order to take full advantage of the advantages of EURO-LIN, a firm mattress must be created and maintained. The mattress litter saves bedding material, protects the horse's joints and hooves, provides a warm surface and (if applied correctly) prevents the development of ammonia. For a horse box with 10 to 12 square meters you need 3 to 5 bales of EURO-LIN; The bedding height should initially be 5 to 7 cm. In order to activate the capillary system of the linen straw (optimal binding of urine) and accelerate mattress formation, the fresh bedding can be evenly moistened with 5 to 10 liters of water from a watering can.
- Depending on consumption: approx. 0.5 to 1 bale.
The first week
Over the course of the first week, the mattress will slowly build up. The lower, hardened part serves as a heat insulator and urine absorber, while the upper part remains dry and loose. During this time, all you need to do is remove the horse manure every day (the more often, the better) and rake the top layer smooth.
Daily care:
- After the first week, the horse manure must continue to be removed daily and the upper layer leveled. The very wet areas of the linen straw only need to be carefully removed once or twice a week and the appropriate amount of fresh material (usually 0.5 to 1 bale per week) added.
- If possible, the lower layer of the litter should not be loosened or turned over, because only the entry of oxygen into the lower layer leads to the formation of ammonia.
When should I completely replace the Euro-Lin flax bedding?
As with any bedding, for hygiene reasons it is advisable to change the entire bedding and clean the box twice a year.
How can I dispose of Euro-Lin flax bedding?
Environmentally friendly: less waste, faster degradation
- EURO-LIN reduces the amount of manure produced by up to 75% due to the low consumption of litter.
- Due to the special structure, the removal of the linseed and the thorough uprooting of EURO-LIN, the resulting manure is subject to rapid and, above all, complete biological degradation: the rotting period is approximately only three months!
- EURO-LIN is therefore an ideal fertilizer with a neutral pH value.
- Disposal problems, such as those associated with sawdust and wood shavings, are now a thing of the past.
Can my horse eat Euro-Lin flax bedding?
Because of its natural bitter substances, linen straw is generally not consumed by horses as feed. Due to boredom or unbalanced feeding, some horses still tend to “cram” everything into themselves, from the paddock fence to the stall wall to the bedding. Although linen straw, like other cereal straw, is easy to digest, eating larger quantities can of course cause disruptions in the digestive process. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the horses do not ingest excessive amounts of bedding, especially when providing the first bedding, for example by providing sufficient roughage.
Where is Euro-Lin flax bedding grown?
- Flax, one of the oldest cultivated plants in the world, grows in large fields in Normandy, France. The gentle cultivation guarantees that there are no residues of pesticides in the raw material flax or linen.
- After 100 days of growth, the linen reaches a height of about one meter; the harvest can begin. The flax is not cut, but “pulled” out of the ground with the roots. Then comes the so-called “breaking” and “swinging”. The inner part of the linen plant, the “shives”, which is protected from environmental influences, is the raw material for linen straw.
- However, in order to meet the high requirements for optimal horse bedding (absorbent, low-dust, economical and ecological), this linen straw still has to go through a few finishing processes before it can become EURO-LIN.
- In a first step, fiber residues and dust are removed. The linen straw then runs through a multi-stage tumbler screen, where fibers, roots, impurities and linseed are removed, as these have almost no absorbency and rot poorly. Then the remaining dust that still adheres to the shives is removed in a two-stage dedusting system. Only this complex, multiple cleaning process guarantees the unique EURO-LIN premium quality.
- Finally, the bales are pressed, packaged and stored.
For Euro-Lin flax bedding click here
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