How is the bi-medEctoin® easy breathe dosed?
You can find a quick overview of the dosage of bi-med Ectoin® easy breathe for the Air One , Flexineb and SaHoMa in the following table.
NaCl always means a sterile sodium chloride solution with 0.9%.
There are 2 ways to use the bi-medEctoin® easy breathe:
An isotonic mixing ratio has a moistening effect and the bi-medEctoin® also ensures relaxation and regeneration of the mucous membranes through its active cell protection. For respiratory diseases and especially for asthmatics or allergy sufferers, this mixing ratio is ideal for moistening, regeneration, prevention and maintaining health.
The isotonic mixing ratio has an expectorant effect, although not to the same extent as the hypertonic mixing ratio.
A hypertonic solution liquefies the mucus more than an isotonic solution and draws moisture out of the mucous membranes (this is intentional in this case). When using a hypertonic inhalation solution, the moistening effect of the mucous membranes is not lost. The hypertonic solution mobilizes water from the underlying tissue layers. This causes additional liquefaction of the mucus and makes it easier to cough up tough mucus, but can also lead to temporary irritation (e.g. coughing).
For acute coughs and especially if there is a lot of mucus, we have had good experiences with a higher concentration of bi-medEctoin® easy breathe (see table). After the symptoms have subsided, we recommend using an isotonic mixing ratio in the long term.
Caution: Do not use hypertonic mixing ratio if you have narrowed or cramping bronchi, lack of mucus during a bronchoscopy, wheezing or shortness of breath. In the case of the symptoms mentioned, this is counterproductive, as the hypertonic effect further promotes contraction of the bronchi. An isotonic solution, on the other hand, has a strong moistening effect and the mucous membranes can relax.
Another important factor is the salt content in which the bi-medEctoin® is dissolved. This also has an influence on whether the mixing ratio is hypertonic or isotonic. The advantage of hypertonic inhalation with bi-medEctoin® is that the cells continue to be moistened. This is not the case when inhaling with pure brine (with a salt content of more than 2%).
Can I use bi-medEctoin® with the EquiEasyNeb (Pegasalt)?
The EquiEasyNeb has a minimum capacity of 100 ml, which is why it is not possible to mix the inhalant directly. We recommend adding an ampoule of bi-medEcoin® easy breathe to the medication cup and nebulizing for at least 15 minutes (3ml/min. are nebulized, so 45 ml in 15 minutes). Unfortunately, an even distribution cannot be guaranteed.
For a hypertonic mixing ratio, we recommend adding 2 ampoules of bi-medEctoin® easy breathe to the medication cup.
Can I inhale water (distilled or sterile) for my horse?
Inhaling water on a horse is dangerous and we strongly advise against it. Due to the lack of salt, the cells absorb water molecules, swell and, in the worst case, can even burst.
Every horse reacts individually to our bi-medEctoin® easy breathe.
In a customer survey, an improvement in symptoms was observed after an average of 8 days and a maximum of one month. Some have noticed a significant improvement after just 1-3 days.
Factors such as husbandry, feeding and the general health of the horse also play a major role here.
How often should I use bi-medEctoin® easy breathe?
We generally recommend daily use. Depending on the horse's general health, one application 2 to 3 times a week may be sufficient.
bi-medEctoin® is a cell protection molecule that supports the regeneration of the mucous membranes, thus supporting long-term health maintenance. These unique physical properties make bi-medEctoin® suitable for long-term use.
Can the bi-medEctoin® easy breathe be used in a brine trailer/brine chamber?
Unfortunately, our bi-medEctoin® easy breathe cannot be used in a brine trailer/brine chamber because the concentration would be too low. However, our product is ideal for use following inhalation with brine. This re-moistens and relaxes the respiratory tract and mucous membranes, which sustainably promotes regeneration.
Should I inhale brine (1.4% to 8%) for my horse?
From a salt content of 1.4% this is referred to as so-called hypertonic inhalation.
A hypertonic solution liquefies the mucus more than an isotonic solution and draws moisture out of the mucous membranes (this is intentional in this case). When using a hypertonic inhalation solution, the moistening effect of the mucous membranes is not lost. The hypertonic solution mobilizes water from the underlying tissue layers. This causes additional liquefaction of the mucus and makes it easier to cough up tough mucus, but can also lead to temporary irritation (e.g. coughing).
The higher the salt concentration, the stronger the irritant effect. Marine climate is therefore also described as a “stimulating climate”.
Inhalation with an increased salt concentration can be useful, for example if there is a lot of mucus. When nebulizing in the brine chamber or in the horse trailer, salt concentrations of 6 to 8% are also common. These higher salt concentrations are necessary to achieve the same effect as a mask nebulizer.
Can bi-medEctoin® easy breathe be nebulized with Emser Sole?
Unfortunately, the specific composition of Ems salt means that bi-medEctoin® cannot exploit its full potential. We therefore advise against using bi-medEctoin® and Emser Sole at the same time. We did not observe any reduction in the effectiveness of bi-medEctoin® with any other brines or salt compounds.
A salt concentration of 3.5% should not be exceeded in a mask nebulizer. For long-term use, we only recommend 0.9% NaCl.
We have had very good experiences with bi-medEctoin® easy breathe for allergic reactions. Our power substance bi-medEctoin® protects against environmental influences such as pollen, allergens and dust. The protective mechanism is based on the water-loving properties of bi-medEctoin®. It attracts water molecules from its surroundings and binds them. bi-medEctoin® in conjunction with the water molecules forms a protective shield around the cells (called Ectoin® hydro complex), which sustainably supports them in their regeneration. In the long term, the cells are more resilient.
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