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The Air One Flex for horses is the first ventilation-dependent lung inhalation device with battery operation
All of the advantages of the original with a landline connection have also been implemented in the battery-powered device. When inhaling while at rest, optimal wetting of the bronchial area is possible.
The inhaler is ideal for respiratory problems in horses, such as: E.g. fatigue (RAO/COB/COPD), horse cough, allergies, bronchitis, fungi/mites in the lungs and much more.
Highest nebulizer performance of 15 ml/min with optimal particle size ensures effective inhalation
very easy to use and almost maintenance-free operation
Splash-proof construction and impact-resistant materials ensure safe operation
transparent horse mask (tube slides off easily in a panic situation)
Optimal fit of the mask thanks to soft and flexible rubber seal
Operation independent of the power supply thanks to powerful Li-Ion batteries
Malfunction display in case of low water level or overheating
easy cleaning thanks to removable valves
only 960 g light
In this procedure with ventilation adjustment (2 - 5 ml per breath), the upper airways are moistened with moisture right up to the tips of the bronchi. The maximum nebulization performance is approx. 15 ml/min. adapted to a horse's lung in continuous operation.
Other properties
Protection class: IP54
Technical data for the AirOne Flex
Battery technology
Battery charging time
120 minutes
Duration of use
60 minutes
Scope of delivery:
1x AirOne Flex nebulizer 14.8 volts
1x inhalation mask with silicone seal for horses ( AirOne Flex version includes warm blood mask)
1x head strap for horse mask (for AirOne Flexvariantincluding warmblood mask)
1x elastic connection hose
1x wall mount for nebulizer
1x contact fluid
1x disinfectant ( for theAirOne Flex variant including warm blood mask)
30x nebulizer cups
1x protective transport container
1x user manual
Use disinfectant carefully. Always read the label and product information before use!
To see which mask is bestsuits your horse,You can use the bit size of your horse as a guide:
If you want to use the Shetty / Foal mask size together with the Air One Flex, then the long hose provided must be used. Alternatively, the Air One with a landline connection can also be used. You can find the Air One with a landline connection here:
Frequently asked questions about the Hippomed Air One FAQ
What mask sizes are there?
For the AirOne (socket, wired): Shetty, pony, warmblood/Icelandic horse and draft horse
For the AirOne Flex(battery, without cable): Pony, warmblood/Icelandic horse and coldblood can be connected directly to the device. The Shetty mask can also be used for the AirOne Flex, using the 170 cm hose.
What is the difference between AirOne Flex and AirOne?
The AirOne Flex is battery operated, so you can easily use it in the pasture, for example, and there is no risk of tripping. The AirOne (without Flex in the name) has a power connection for the socket.
How do I put the mask on?
Always open the ventilation window at the front first, then from the throat over the nostrils (from the bottom back to the front).
How high do I have to put the mask on?
The mask only needs to fit slightly above the nostrils, not up to the start of the cheekbone.
What can you inhale?
Please always consult your vet before inhaling medication. Saline solution is usually safe and is available without a prescription.
How much contact liquid must be introduced into the nebulizer chamber?
How often do I need to change/refill the contact fluid?
If the water level indicator shows that there is too little contact liquid in the device
If visual contamination can be detected
If the inhaler is not used for more than a week
How should the inhaler be stored?
Dry and frost-free in the storage box provided.
What is the difference between the size of a warmblood / Icelandic horse and a pony?
The warmblood / Icelandic mask and pony mask both have the same housing.
The pony mask also has a silicone interior that can be removed and cut to size, which makes the mask tighter or narrower, so it may fit better for horses with narrow noses.
If the warmblood / Icelandic mask does not fit the horse perfectly, the removable silicone interior (click here) of the pony mask can also be reordered for the warmblood / Icelandic mask.
What do I do with the tube after inhaling?
After disinfection, rinse with enough water and hang up to dry in a suitable place. Do not hang on sharp edges or on the heater.
How long should you inhale?
We recommend once to a maximum of twice a day for 10 to 20 minutes or as recommended by the veterinarian.
How do I clean the Air One / Air One Flex?
All mask parts and the breathing tube must be disinfected after each use, then rinsed with water and then dried. The inhaler device can be wiped clean with water and a soft cloth.
Can I inhale multiple horses with the Air One / Air One Flex?
Yes, as many as you want! It is important to thoroughly clean/disinfect the mask parts before letting another horse inhale.
What are the advantages of ultrasonic inhalers?
The liquids are always nebulized in the right size so that they can reach the horse's lungs directly.
This can result in a significantly better side effect profile when administering medication compared to other types of administration.
Shorter application time.
Ultrasound devices are generally significantly quieter than conventional inhalers.
Which mask is suitable for my Icelandic horse?
The warmblood / Icelandic mask and pony mask both have the same housing. Therefore both are suitable for Icelandic horses.
The pony mask also has a silicone interior that can be removed and cut to size, which makes the mask tighter or narrower, so it may fit better for Icelandic horses with narrow noses.
If the warmblood / Icelandic mask does not fit the Icelandic horse perfectly, the removable silicone interior of the pony mask can also be reordered for the warmblood / Icelandic mask.
Are the sets (battery or wired) also available for Shetty / foal, pony or draft blood?
The sets for warmblood / Icelandic horses are currently available. For other sizes, please order the inhaler without mask and the matching mask separately.
What is the droplet size or particle size of the Air One?
The particle size is between 0.5-6 μm.
How do I use the Air One Flex?
Where does my order come from?
Short delivery routes, through several warehouse locations, for Germany and Austria. Customers from Switzerland benefit from our Swiss distribution warehouse, further information » .
How will my order be shipped?
Your order will be safely packed in a recycled box at our nearest warehouse location, using environmentally friendly filling material & paper tape with watercolor paint . We ship bulky goods on an untreated wooden pallet. By keeping thedelivery route as short as possible , we reduce delivery times and conserve resources. Every order from us contributes to anenvironmentally friendlyway of online shopping.
Estimate shipping
Gratis Versand ab 199€ für Deutschland, Österreich & EU. Schweiz.
Refund Policy
Verbraucher haben ein vierzehntägiges Widerrufsrecht. Bitte keine unangemeldeten Rücksendung an unser Büro (Waldblick 10 , 38159 Vechelde) schicken. Kontaktiere uns für eine Rücksendung per E-Mail (info@icelandic-horse.com) oder nutze unser Kontaktformular.
Die Widerrufsfrist beträgt vierzehn Tage ab dem Tag, an dem Sie oder ein von Ihnen benannter Dritter, der nicht der Beförderer ist, die erste Ware in Besitz genommen haben bzw. hat.
Um Ihr Widerrufsrecht auszuüben, müssen Sie uns (Icelandic Horse Inh.: M. Sc. Sebastian M. Osuch, Waldblick 10, 38159 Vechelde, Deutschland, info@icelandic-horse.com, Telefon: 053008703589) mittels einer eindeutigen Erklärung (z. B. ein mit der Post versandter Brief, Telefax oder E-Mail) über Ihren Entschluss, diesen Vertrag zu widerrufen, informieren. Sie können dafür das beigefügte Muster-Widerrufsformular verwenden, das jedoch nicht vorgeschrieben ist.
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– An Icelandic Horse Inh.: M. Sc. Sebastian M. Osuch, Waldblick 10 , 38159 Vechelde, info@icelandic-horse.com, Deutschland
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