Feed-X - spare part mechanical timer GT-6/12

Feed-X ZubehörSKU: S-1000

Spare part: Top hook
Sale price19,21 €

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Spare parts for the mechanical timer GT-6/12

Please select spare part.

You can use the “Mechanical Timer” spare part to repair your timer if it rotates freely through 360° or no longer clicks into place. broken from the inside due to force or if there are loose parts in the housing.

To the electric fence openers (complete sets)

Icelandic Horse: Feed-X - Automatic electric fence opener with mechanical timer, pulley, electric rope (3.3 m, single row)

Icelandic Horse: Feed-X - Automatic electric fence opener with mechanical timer, pulley, electric rope (3.3 m, double row)

Icelandic Horse: Feed-X - Automatic electric fence opener with mechanical timer, electrical tape reel (15 m, single row)

Frequently asked questions about the Feed-X FAQ

Is a power connection required?

No. The special thing about the Feed-X products is that no power connection or batteries are required.

After opening, do the gate handles lie on the ground so that the electricity is dissipated?

The system itself is installed so that the gate handles do not touch the ground after opening. Therefore, there is no discharge of the electric fence into the ground.

Is there electricity there too, on the wire from the gate?

The wire can be connected to the electric fence as normal, but it doesn't have to be.

Is the Feed-X expensive?

All Feed-X products have been handcrafted in a Swedish family factory for over 25 years and then tested individually. It is therefore not a mass-produced product that is produced in huge quantities in far-off countries, but rather a long-lasting, quality product that you can enjoy for a very long time, even under the most difficult weather conditions, such as those that often occur in Sweden.

In addition, you always have to take into account the comparison to what you see the Feed-X now. Unlike a selection gate or an employee, it is certainly a bargain. In addition, alternative solutions rely on electricity, which is not available in every pasture. Electric gate openers are also not easy to use for everyone. The Feed-X, on the other hand, can be used independently of electricity and is very easy for anyone to use, like an egg timer.

Is the Feed-X a completely new invention?

In Scandinavian countries, but also on New Zealand dairy farms, for example, these systems have been widely used and successfully used for many decades. The Swedish manufacturer Feed-X has specialized in horse pastures and has been producing electric fence openers specifically for this purpose for over 25 years. We at Icelandic Horse are the exclusive sales partner in Germany.

Can the Feed-X also be operated by my grandfather?

Sure, of course. The device is just as easy to use as an egg timer. Simply open it, set the hours until it opens, hang it up - done.

What if my Feed-X breaks?

All Feed-X products generally have a 2-year guarantee, during which the manufacturer repairs the device free of charge. Since something unforeseeable can always happen in everyday riding, we also offer a repair service for our customers if the device is damaged through their own fault. However, since the Feed-X products are very robust, this happens very rarely.

Can I also build a fence myself?

Yes. We also have many customers who like to tinker around and have already built their own construction with the Feed-X timer, for example by using water bottles and carabiners, etc. Please take a look at our Instagram and let yourself be inspired. The Feed-X systems that we offer as a set, however, were developed specifically for this construction. They are therefore very easy to install and have a functional guarantee.


Can't I just recreate the Feed-X opener with a mechanical wind-up alarm clock?

This is certainly a nice project to get familiar with the automatic opening. However, experience shows that such a setup with an alarm clock is very error-prone and unreliable in wind, rain and frost. The Feed-X, on the other hand, is specially designed for long-term use on pastures and is therefore absolutely reliable, even under the most difficult weather conditions.

Can you use a Flexigate instead of the Feed-X reel to save money?

Although this is possible in principle, the Flexigates are not intended for rolling up without “human braking force”. Therefore – in addition to the high winding speed – the spring can break. So you always have to buy a new Flexigate. If any damage occurs, it is not covered by the warranty and the timer must be repaired for a fee.

The feed-X reels, on the other hand, were specially developed for automatic opening. For this purpose, they have a specially developed centrifugal brake, which ensures that the electrical steel feeds in at an appropriately slowed speed. This technology was tested and developed over decades until the system was finally mature and very durable. The Feed-X reel is certainly more expensive than a Felxigate , but is significantly safer and durable for automatic opening.

How reliable is the reel? Do commercially available reels weaken when rolled up?

The Feed-X reel has been specially developed for automatic reeling and is designed to last and is also suitable for difficult weather conditions. The two-year guarantee therefore - in contrast to normal reels - also refers to automatic rewinding, as this is precisely its intended purpose.

Does the Feed-X pose an increased risk of injury to my horses?

If something unforeseen happens, such as the horses breaking through the fence, the timer immediately releases the electric rope or strap.

Aren't flying ropes and handles a danger?

The Feed-X has been developed specifically for horse pastures by a Swedish family company since 1985. The elevator speed could be adjusted to best avoid the risk of damage or injury.

For the two versions with stranded wire, where does it go when opened?

The strand is wound several times between 2 pulleys, so that the canister only needs to "fall" one meter to pull up the entire strand with a gate width of 3.3 m. An increase in the installation height by 10 cm leads to an increase in the maximum gate width by 60 cm (ie to 3.9 meters).

For the two variants with stranded wire, can I extend the stranded wire as desired?

An increase in the installation height by 10 cm leads to an increase in the maximum gate width by 60 cm (ie to 3.9 meters). Theoretically, it is possible to extend the strand as desired, but the “drop height” of the canister would also have to be adjusted accordingly. Depending on how high the corresponding post is, this could be implemented. However, there would either have to be a hole in the ground (approx. 60 cm deep) into which the canister can fall or you could build a deflection system, otherwise the gate would hang too high and the horses - depending on their size - could possibly get through underneath.

For a larger gate width, we generally recommend the version with the reel, which allows for a gate width of up to 15 meters.

To the retractor

How safe is the system for the horse owner?

Because the gate opens automatically, there is no longer any risk of injury to those who would otherwise open the gate by hand, as no one can be run over if the horses want to get out quickly.

What if my horses are particularly curious and want to push themselves at the timer or open the gate on their own?

In this case, it is advisable to attach some steel wire or stranded wire around the timer and then connect it to the electric fence. It can also make sense to attach the structure to the outside of the fence posts so that the horses on the pasture side cannot come into contact with the timer.

Are Feed-X solutions also suitable for pastures with animals other than horses?

In principle, the Feed-X devices can be used on all pastures. Depending on the size of the animals, the structures can be adjusted accordingly, so that a deeper structure or a double-row strand makes sense for donkeys, for example.

Are the Feed-X systems only available with stranded wire?

No, a version with a wide band is also available.

To the Feed-X products

What if one row of fences in the gate is not enough for my horses?

The Feed-X systems are available in both single and double rows. In addition, any number of other strands or ribbons can easily be added.

You can find an example here.

Feed-X test report

Is the system tested?

These gates have been in use and tried and tested in Scandinavian countries for a long time. The manufacturer has been producing the product for over 25 years and has many enthusiastic customers. In addition, as with all the items you will find in our range, we have tested the Feed-X system extensively in the Icelandic Horse team and together with our customers and found it to be very convincing.

What happens to the roller/handle/belt if the surface is not dry, hard pasture ground, but sand and sometimes becomes damp/wet/slightly muddy due to the weather?

The reel can be opened and cleaned if it becomes very dirty over time. With the two pulley solutions, there is no housing where dirt could collect. If the hooks on the trolley handles get caught in the ground, they can easily be bent together into a loop with pliers so that nothing can get caught. The pulling force can also be increased or strengthened by increasing the weight (filling quantity or material of the canister) or by loosening the screws on the pulley.

The Feed-X products have been in use for over 25 years, so there is experience and good solutions for practically all circumstances, which are also described in the instructions provided.

I'm not entirely sure if my horses can handle it. Could it be that my horses are too scared for this?

Together with our customers, we have found that the horses understand the whole thing very quickly and get used to the gate opening without anyone being there.

Is the Feed-X also suitable for supplementary feeding?

Yes, very good actually. If a horse needs to be fed, you can put it in and it will automatically come out again. Also ideal for older horses that need more feed.

Some of our customers have also built structures using the timer that allow a feeding net with hay to “fall down” from the ceiling or a tree in the stable/tent. The Feed-X can be used very flexibly and there are hardly any limits to your imagination.

What else is the Feed-X good for?

In summer the horses can go out to pasture independently. Also ideal for grazing. Many horses can't get hay 24/7, but the eating breaks shouldn't be too long either. The Feed-X can also be used for lunchtime hay. It can also be attached anywhere and easily repositioned. The mounting sets are available separately.

Can I assemble the Feed-X myself without a craftsman?

Sure, of course. All complete sets come to you with detailed instructions. All assembly steps are explained in detail with pictures.

Can you just buy the timer?

Of course. For anyone who likes to do crafts, we also offer the Feed-X timer individually.

Here you can find an overview of all Feed-X products:

Feed-X overview

Isn't it possible that the goal hooks are getting tangled in the ground?

If the ground conditions require it, the hooks can easily be bent together into a loop using pliers. This means that they can no longer get stuck anywhere and the function is not affected.

What is the difference from a chicken door or chicken flap opener,
AX, or Chickenguard?

Feed-X's solutions work completely without a power connection or batteries and have been developed specifically for horse pastures and the special requirements of horses. In addition to their high robustness and reliability, the mechanical timers from Feed-X are as easy to use as an egg timer.

Can the opener also be mounted on a wooden gate?

Basically yes. Please take a look at the test report on Equino .

Do I need 2 timers to open 2 strands at the same time?

No. There is a variant that works with two strands, whereby the gate handle of the upper strand is attached to the timer and the lower strand is hooked into a magnet, which works great.

Is the Feed-X also available with a 24 hour delay?

It has not yet been possible to produce the Feed-X in the same reliable and robust form without the need for Storm, with a delay of up to 24 hours, as the mechanics are reaching their limits.

After opening, won't I have any straps that snap around and could be dangerous?

No. The entire construction is specially developed for the needs of horses and can be assembled so that the strands or tape are pulled up securely.

Isn't a panel gate safer than a strand or a reel?

Apart from the fact that an automatic gate, which is dependent on a power source, is significantly less flexible and much more expensive, the opposite can also be the case. For example, if you separate your senior from his buddy to eat and they then wait at the gate until it opens, the gate swinging open can actually become dangerous. This does not occur when using Feed-X products because they do not swing open but are drawn up.

Are there any other reviews of the Feed-X?

Yes. Many of our customers have their setup from the Feed-X electric fence opener, e.g. B. posted on Instagram. You can find a lot about this in our highlights on Instagram and/or under the following links:

Instagram , Equino , Review Feed-X

Where does my order come from?

Environmentally friendly and fast delivery, thanks to the shortest possible delivery routes and high product availability at several delivery locations for Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

Short delivery routes, through several warehouse locations, for Germany and Austria. Customers from Switzerland benefit from our Swiss distribution warehouse, further information » .

How will my order be shipped?

Your order will be safely packed in a recycled box at our nearest warehouse location, using environmentally friendly filling material & paper tape with watercolor paint . We ship bulky goods on an untreated wooden pallet. We pack in an environmentally friendly way with paper for recycling and thus protect the climate By keeping the delivery route as short as possible , we reduce delivery times and conserve resources. Every order from us contributes to an environmentally friendly way of online shopping.

Estimate shipping

Gratis Versand ab 199€ für Deutschland, Österreich & EU. Schweiz.


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