Allspan German Horse Litter Super - softwood granulate

Allspan German HorseSKU: 510060012

Number: 21 x 24 kg
Sale price433,30 €
0,86 € / kg

Tax included

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Allspan German Horse Super is a proven, high-quality box bedding made from extremely absorbent softwood granules that is suitable for both competition horses and leisure horses

The Allspan German Horse Super is sieved and cleaned several times. This creates a homogeneous and high-quality bedding product. The fine structure supports the absorbency of the granules.

Suitable for allergy sufferers

highest absorbency

low manure volume

rapid rotting

The softwood granules are sieved and cleaned several times. This creates a homogeneous and high-quality bedding product. The Allspan German Horse Super is extremely low in dust and is therefore ideal for dust-sensitive horses and allergy sufferers, as it does not irritate the respiratory tract.

This almost dust-free litter is characterized by its highest absorbency. Thanks to the larger capillary surface of the granules, Allspan German Horse Super offers a much greater moisture absorption capacity in the stable. Ammonia is bound very well and the formation of unpleasant odors is significantly reduced.

Thanks to the uniform nature of the box bed, wet areas can be specifically removed and horse manure can be easily mucked out from above, thereby drastically reducing manure volume and workload. Our bedding is particularly recommended for use in boxes with rubber mats.

Thanks to its granulate structure, the Allspan German Horse Super rots much faster than conventional shavings and is compostable.

Litter recommendation
Note: The actual material consumption can vary depending on manure behavior, how long the horse stays in the box or other factors. The information describes the average consumption per box.

  • Basic litter
    As basic bedding you need approx. 3-4 bales for a standard box of 12m².

  • litter/week
    For additional litter you should expect around 1-2 bales per week

  • Bedding height
    We recommend a litter height of 8-12 cm.

Another advantage: Allspan Super – is easier to transport to the box and requires less storage space.

Delivery: Delivery is free of charge by a freight forwarder including unloading, within Germany. Please provide a mobile phone number when ordering so that the carrier can coordinate the delivery date. Please inquire about current shipping to Austria, stating your zip code (click here) .

Where does my order come from?

Environmentally friendly and fast delivery, thanks to the shortest possible delivery routes and high product availability at several delivery locations for Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

Short delivery routes, through several warehouse locations, for Germany and Austria. Customers from Switzerland benefit from our Swiss distribution warehouse, further information » .

How will my order be shipped?

Your order will be safely packed in a recycled box at our nearest warehouse location, using environmentally friendly filling material & paper tape with watercolor paint . We ship bulky goods on an untreated wooden pallet. We pack in an environmentally friendly way with paper for recycling and thus protect the climate By keeping the delivery route as short as possible , we reduce delivery times and conserve resources. Every order from us contributes to an environmentally friendly way of online shopping.

Estimate shipping

Gratis Versand ab 199€ für Deutschland, Österreich & EU. Schweiz.


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